Mighty Milk Online Breastfeeding Class - for Expecting Parents and for 0 - 12 Months: this is an outstanding online class that is cohesive and easily digestible in bite sized videos, which you can view on your own time and revisit. It also answers all the little questions that parents have. I highly recommend. Use my link for 10%off: https://go.mightymilk.co/tmoham
The Nest - Integrative Health Centre, Women's Health: Chiropracter, Naturopathic Doctor, HypnoBirthing Classes, Massage, Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy, Accupuncture, Psychotherapy and more. 3865 Major Mackenzie Drive West, Unit 111, Vaughan. http://thenesthealth.ca/
Dr. Gina Gallo - Chiropractor: Gentle Webster Technique for Pregnancy, Postpartum and Newborn Care Nourish Family Chiropractic, 1020 Islington Avenue, Unit 5, Etobicoke 416.239-0123 www.nourishfamilychiropractic.com/
Dr Jennifer Wise - Chiropractor: Gentle Webster Technique for Pregnancy, Postpartum and Newborn Care 647.352-7911 www.drjenniferwise.com